Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Grouchy Ladybug Quilt

Grouchy Ladybug Top; QUILTED with Meander Bubble (freehand)

I'm thankful for this lull in the quilting schedule that comes immediately after the fall/holiday season. It gives me a little time to recover from the break-neck speed of entertaining, pulling off back to back holiday celebrations; it gives us some time to pack away Christmas & get back into our homeschool groove; and it also gives me a little space to recover emotionally. While I can readily admit I found much joy in the Christmas season this year, I'll also admit the celebrations took their toll on the fragile balance I hold on my emotions regarding my grief process. I know many of you understand this delicate balance of creating joy for our families while also experiencing our own personal sadness but not wanting to burden our loved ones with this. I'm thankful for the truest friends with whom a woman could be blessed. Without them, my girls, my hubby, and my parents, the holidays could not have been filled with so much happiness <3

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