Saturday, March 23, 2013

Catching Up March

Sorry for my lameness of late. I've been saying, "I need to get back on the ball" since about Christmas, when everything pertaining to being organized, scheduled & otherwise planned went right out the window like all the other hot air in this drafty old house.

Sooo I've gotten a bit of quilting done:

Floral Golds Top; QUILTED Jilly Panto

 Yellow & Green Sunrise Runner Top; QUILTED Semi-Custom

(The color is off on one of these because the pic above & below are of the same runner!)

Yellow, Green & White Sunrise Runner Top; QUILTED Semi-Custom

Pieced Purples Bed Runner Top; QUILTED Branchy Spirals Freehand

 Four-Leaf Bed Runner Top; QUILTED Leafy Swirl Freehand

Green & Floral Top; QUILTED Meander Freehand

Red & Floral Top; QUILTED Meander Freehand

There have been more quilts completed, but that's a lotta eye candy for one post & I still need to download them anyway :)

Check back as I get back into the swing of blogging REGULARLY & catch you up on some of the smaller projects I've done and share a pic or two from our anniversary.

Has spring sprung where you are?

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